Garage Vibes
Neo Vintage

Garage Vibes
Neo Vintage

Garage Vibes
Neo Vintage

Garage Vibes
Neo Vintage

Who We Are
True vintage tones
made possible through
garage culture
We are a group of craftsmen who meticulously study the "vintage feel" and dedicate everything to respectuflly recreating vintage sound.
We are also a group of collectors who collect guitars, amps and effectors from the 1950s and 60s because it is impossible to recreate "feeling" from schematics alone.
Our reproduced products are refined based on analysis data of vintage pedals in order to provide stable quality and easy controls, with minimal variation between models.
For even a single transistor, the parts used in each model are thoroughly selected and all the processes are handmade to achieve the best tones.
We will be developing not only reproductions but also completely original products in the future, please stay tuned.
We are excited to announce the launch of the official Organic Sounds website!
One-stop stop for product info, new product launches, inquiries, and orders.
Stop by our website regularly as our products sell out quickly!
Temporarily you can also reach out to us through Twitter or Instagram, but we will eventually aggregate all inquiries to our website. -
【9/27(日) 21時より、2機種同時発売】 Organic Drive の新作"Zeus"とOrganic Booster "Kerberos" が同時発売。 公式サイトとCult様で、オンライン先行販売。 各販売店様からは、9/28(月)の営業開始のタイミングで販売スタート。
【Organic Booster ”Poseidon" 】 Organic Boosterの新作”Poseidon”。公式サイト、Hoochies様、池部楽器店 ハートマンヴィンテージギターズ様にて7/31(土)11:00より先行販売開始。
【Original Coil Cable 】SoldとなっておりましたOriginal Coil Cableを再販開始致します。